Manual Handling/People Moving and Handling Refresher Courses
Course: Manual Handling Refresher Course and People Moving and Handling Refresher Course
Customer: Prince of Wales Hospice
Location: Pontefract
Date: June 2023
The employers at Prince of Wales Hospice are mindful of the importance of keeping their staff safe at work.
On a yearly basis Fit4Work carryout over a period of one day a week for a month, refresher courses to non clinical staff which concentrates on Manual Handling Awareness Training and People Moving and Handling Refresher Training Course to clinical staff.

In the morning both courses cover the theory aspect, the topics of which are:

Tight hamstrings can cause lower back pain and therefore the magical hamstring stretch was taught, the stretch lengthens the hamstring muscle in a matter of minutes.
The manual handling awareness refresher training course was incorporated into the morning session; practising the handling of items which are normally dealt with on a day to day basis.
The people moving and handling refresher course was carried out in the afternoon taking 3 hours to complete.
Activities covered included the correct handling of the mobile and ceiling hoists/slings with a strong emphasis on the legislation for these pieces of equipment (The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998 and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998)
How to apply and remove the slide sheet using the log roll method and most importantly its application and removal to someone who is at end stage of life as movement of the patient isn’t advised upon.
Assisted transfers using one or two people to stand up from the chair, stand to sit, moving from bed to chair, chair to bed, walking with one/two people.
Stand aids and banana boards were also discussed, shown and practised.
During the practical training session Fit4Work was mindful of trainees who had existing musculoskeletal issues effecting their lower back or upper and lower limbs and therefore advised that they adopted a different stance or carryout the transfer to the right of left of their patient so as to not irritate their symptoms.
To establish if a learning experience had been achieved, an end of course multiple choice assessment paper for both courses was carried out. So as not to worry trainees unnecessarily Fit4Work called the assessment paper a quiz and informed the trainees that they would mark their own paper themselves afterwards by discussing each question.